Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Healing Mantra

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Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian healing mantra that consists of repeating the phrases: “I love you, I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you”. You can repeat these words aloud or in your head, say them to yourself or visualize someone else. It is a simple yet profound forgiveness and self-love practice and it is about giving yourself the comfort you desperately need. I discovered this practice during a time of despair and found immediate benefits in my personal life. I was so disconnected, impatient and frustrated with myself. The first time I listened to the video below, I burst into tears. I needed to hear those words but more importantly, I needed to say them to myself. I needed the comfort, the forgiveness, the love.

How to Practice Ho'oponopono | 8 Steps

1. Sit comfortably and quietly

2. Be present with yourself and with your breath

3. Play the video below and simply listen to the words of the mantra “I love you, I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you”

4. Breathe in & breathe out

5. Repeat the words aloud or in your head, say them to yourself or visualize someone else

6. Welcome any emotions that come up

7. Let go of anything that doesn't serve you 

8. Forgive yourself and others 

Best Books About Ho'oponopono 

To Help You in Your Practice | 2 Videos

1- Ho'oponopono Mantra

This 60-minute video is by Jason Stephenson and one of the best for your Ho'oponopono practice. The mantra is repeating several times in a very calm and comforting way. It will help you concentrate on your pratice, especially if you are new to it.

2- Ho'oponopono Guided Meditation

This 25-minute video is also by Jason Stephenson and it is a guided meditation around the theme of forgiveness and letting go. It is a very comforting, liberating and healing meditation.