How to Create a Spiritual Altar in Your Home

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Are you looking to feed your spiritual side?  Maybe it's time to add a spiritual element to your life and your home. A spiritual altar is a place for you to connect with your spirit and the divine. It's an intimate space that you can use any way you want, as long as it brings meaning to your life.  In this article, we will give you some tips on how to create your own spiritual altar, along with ideas of mindful things you can do within this space.

"Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again."

- Joseph Campbell

What is a spiritual altar?

A spiritual altar is a sanctuary for your soul. It is a sacred space in your home to help you connect to the divine on a daily basis. A spiritual altar is also a place that allows you to incorporate all of your beliefs and philosophies. This spot is one of meaning and purpose - a reminder of all the things you hold dear to your heart. It shows your personal connection to the sacred - an outward expression for your internal feelings and beliefs.

Spiritual altars are an ancient concept, one that is rooted in ritual. It will become a refuge from everyday life and a chance to meditate, reflect, pray, practice gratitude or simply be alone with your thoughts. It’s a chosen area where you can take the time to focus on yourself, your divinity and your spirituality.  

Spirituality is an integral aspect of being human, whether you follow one religion or many. It's a natural part of life and spirituality helps us connect to each other, nature and the universe.



What purpose does it serve?

An altar is a great way to create an area in your home where you can be mindful, nurturing, and centered.  It is a sacred space or place for ritual, meditation, reflection, prayer or any other kind of spiritual practice. The purpose of a spiritual altar is to provide support in our journey to live mindfully. There are many different kinds of altars that provide similar benefits for people all over the world. A spiritually centered living environment provides peace, comfort and security. A simple altar doesn't need to be expensive or elaborate; what matters most is that it truly represents who you are as a person. Whether it's simply candles on a side table or a full room devoted to your spiritual beliefs, it holds meaning within your life and environment.


"Create a space in your life to relax, re-energize, and reconnect with your sacred inner being."

-Melanie Moushigian Koulouris


What items should be on my altar?

An altar for spirituality can be simple or elaborate, but most importantly you want to include objects that represent your personal beliefs. For example, if you practice Buddhism you may have a statue of Buddha on your altar. If you're Christian, then perhaps some rosary beads would make an appearance. If you don't practice any organized religion but simply want to connect with the universe, nature elements are a good options such as plants, shells, stones, feathers, etc. These are only examples of what many people might believe in when creating an altar; this is one of the many reasons why altars incorporate so much variety and creativity. Creating a spiritual altar is more art than science - it's about what you can create that's meaningful for you.

Start by asking yourself what gives you peace, comfort and security. Consider what matter most to you: the nature around you; your values and beliefs; or a religious figure that is significant in your life. This can be anything from a specific flower or incense smell to a certain stone or sound. Your spiritual needs change on an ongoing basis, so make sure whatever tools you choose are the most helpful so that they will work to provide you with inner stability in your daily life.

Here are some ideas for your spiritual altar :

  • Live, flourishing plants
  • Candles, scented or otherwise
  • Pictures of people you love or admire
  • Prayer book
  • Journal
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Healing crystals
  • Tarot & oracle cards
  • Positive affirmations
  • The four elements of nature
  • Motivational literature
  • Incense
  • Enchanting music
  • Essential oils
  • The five senses
  • Writing materials

Creating a spiritual altar does not require going out and buying everything at once. You can purchase or make new additions to your space one by one as you are able.


20 Mindful Things to do in your sacred space

This is a place to practice mindfulness, look inward, and reflect.  This is also an opportunity to expand your creativity and learn more about your spirituality.

Spaces like these are perfect for sacred rituals that require mindfulness and solitude:

  1. Meditate
  2. Do yoga
  3. Perform sacred rituals
  4. Use aromatherapy
  5. Read spiritual books
  6. Listen to music
  7. Play your own music
  8. Make some art
  9. Sit quietly to reflect on the day or week
  10. Think about life goals
  11. Plan for the following days/weeks/months
  12. Connect with the universal energy
  13. Journal your thoughts
  14. Practice gratitude
  15. Visualize for better manifestation
  16. Create or update a vision board
  17. Practice positive self-talk and repeat affirmations
  18. Pamper your body
  19. Relaxation and napping
  20. Pray

Your sacred space is a gift that you give to yourself every day. It's a place set aside to unwind and gather the vital energy for the challenges of life. It creates for you a bubble to focus on yourself. It helps you achieve the changes you want in private. Sacred spaces help you amplify the positives, erase the negatives, and form new perspectives on life in general.

"Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart".

-Willow Smith



7 Steps to Create a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is more than just a physical change. It requires that you take the time to clear your mind and heart of any clutter or negative thought patterns. In this article, we will explore 7 steps to create a sacred place in your home. 


1. Choose a place

The first thing that you must do is to find a place. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to encompass an entire room. However, the space should be free from distractions as much as possible, even if that just means closing a door. Whatever the case, make sure your zone provides you with more than enough space because you might want to stretch out or do yoga at some point.



2. Purify the energy

De-clutter and clean the space you’ve chosen. Give it new life and clean out any lingering negative energies. Also, remove anything that doesn’t spark joy or inspiration. Set the intention for your space and invite exceptional results like boosted energy, revived motivation, and increased confidence. Just remember that you’re in charge, so you can change the intention and setup at any time.

One of the oldest methods of cleansing is smudging with sage. Other methods of cleansing the space include burning incense, lighting candles, opening the windows, and sweeping or vacuuming. It's all about what feels the most personal to you.  For more impact on your spiritual growth, set up your sacred space during a new moon.



3. Decorate with the things you love

Mindful, inspiring decorations help bring any sacred space to life. So, the objects and elements that become a part of your “reflection zone” must mean something special to you. Add items that help you feel rooted, resolute, and relaxed. Perhaps a few scented candles and a couple live plants will do the trick. Maybe it will take more; there are no rules here.

Natural elements can raise the vibrations in the room and directly affect your energies. That’s why personal, sentimental objects like quotes and pictures are essential. They help you focus on positive things, while certain colors can affect your mood in an instant.

White, pale yellow, blue, and pastel green are four colors that are commonly used for relaxation. However, choose your sacred space’s colors based on which ones feel right to you.



4. Build your spiritual altar

Spiritual altars help you emphasize your purposes. People often use the law of attraction to connect with the universe and entice the things they want. A spiritual altar is a sacred place mainly used for rituals like that. Spiritual altars can therefore be set on a flat or raised surface with sacred objects placed roundabout to amplify those intentions.

Many people also recommend harnessing the five elements when creating a sacred altar. Those elements are as follows:

  • Air
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Ether (or the divine)

Represent those elements with objects that reflect their properties. For example, a candle can represent fire while a plant can signify earth. You can also use stones, crystals, or colored items for their unique elemental characteristics.  Use a yellow stone for air, a red one for fire, something blue for water, and anything brown for earth.


5. Conduct rituals to stir the sacred energies

Most clarifying spiritual rituals are performed on a daily or weekly basis. It's quite common to set those rituals around the moon phases due to the moon's influence on the energies around us. However, it’s also okay to perform rituals at any time because your spirit is alive always.

You can even pick out special days for specific activities like meditation or yoga. Just be sure that those days hold some sort of significance to you. Consistent rituals will increase your energy stamp on the space, which in turn will boost the results thereof. 

Rituals fortify your space’s intentions and that ultimately affects how you feel when you visit.


6. Create a routine

Create a routine that gives you a chance to spend time in your sacred space. It’s a good idea because it helps you commit to self-care. After all, putting new habits and routines into place can be hard, even for someone who’s ready for a change. But maintain the energies and intentions will make the positive vibrations stronger.

Positive changes have positive effects on our wellbeing. So, set aside some space in your schedule to “stop the smell the roses.” Remember, there’s no minimum or maximum time to spend in your sacred space. It’s all about making the commitment to feel better while achieving the results of self-love.

*Use your divine zone to read books or start journaling your thoughts and emotions.

7. Maintain your sacred space

Keeping your sacred space clean and tidy is vital. That’s because clutter can generate negative energies like anxiety and stress. Maintain your area to help keep your positive intentions thriving. Here's an easy hack to get you started:

  • Keep fresh fruits or flowers in or around your space.
  • Charge them with crystals before you go to bed each night.
  • Replace them once they start to decay.

Remember, your sacred space is supposed to represent who you are on a spiritual level. So, just as you evolve and develop with each passing day, so too will your sacred space. That’s why it’s important to revisit your intentions from time to time. Proper maintenance of your spirit is just as important as proper maintenance of your sacred space. The two go hand-in-hand, in fact.

*Use your space as a miniature reflection of what you want in your life. Occasionally remove items that no longer have meaning or whose meanings have changed.

"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak."

- Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati


Final Thoughts

A sacred space is more than a place inside your house. This spot marks an opportunity to make every single day count. As a spiritual being, having a sacred space is often the push that’s needed to succeed. Get empowered to become a better version of yourself. Create a special zone and find out that it’s more than just reserving a spot in the corner. It is a way of living life in purpose.